How It Work?

PROMOLUX uses only the highest quality phosphors for the greatest phosphor life and color rendering. 

What Sets PROMOLUX Apart?

PROMOLUX uses only the highest quality phosphors for the greatest phosphor life and color rendering. PROMOLUX color stability is longer than ever with minimal decay. The glass used in PROMOLUX’s design has a built-in filter for additional uv protection.

phosphor coatings for extended lamp life and superior color performance. PROMOLUX emits 86% less radiation than other fluorescent lamps.

How Lighting Impacts Foods

Color changes are a great indicator of chemical changes in foods, as are smells which are indicative of temperature fluctuations and sopiled food. Porus fruits emit a gas when exposed to light/radiation which also causes other fruits and veggies to ripen prematurely.

All perishable food displays should be fitted with the correct lights relative to other in-store light sources for the best merchandising appeal and extension of shelf life. PROMOLUX balanced spectrum low radiation lights are uniquely designed as a food specialty light for food retail display equipment.

Using the highest quality of rare earth phosphors along with a specially formulated Shatter-Resistant Safety Coating, PROMOLUX lights protect perishable foods promoting longer shelf life and sustained product freshness and integrity.

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